Friday, March 14, 2008

How PowerPoint presentation make you a good speaker:

Using PowerPoint presentations, all speakers can become a good speaker, if one knows how to use the PowerPoint presentation! Presentations are a great means of communicating with a large number of people, however, it is advanced presentation skills that creates interest and excitement in your subject, and thus, trust and enthusiasm in you!
Just because you have a word processor installed in your computer does not make you a writer or author; neither does having PowerPoint in your computer make you a good speaker! PowerPoint is just a tool that is used to help you in your presentation, but in no way makes you a good speaker. It is actually the fear of speaking in front of people that makes people look for ways to overcome it to become a good speaker. And one of the more convenient ways of overcoming this fear is by using PowerPoint. The best way of overcoming your fear of speaking is to be comfortable with your material and message so that it becomes a conversation with the audience.
Use PowerPoint to bring the key points of your presentation to life with its added visual dimension. However, you have to know the whole matter of your speech well while using the PowerPoint presentation as PowerPoint is there only to help you while you give the speech. Create slides for your PowerPoint presentation while keeping good design principles in mind. Use contrasting colors and big fonts in the presentation fonts, as they are more effective in grasping the audience s attention. However, avoid using the PowerPoint as a teleprompter as this is one of the things that audiences hate. It is of no use having all your text on the slide, and then just going on reading each slide to the audience. Use the PowerPoint slide just to help you along in the presentation by having only the main points for the presentation on the slides.
When using PowerPoint presentations, it is very important that you prepare yourself to collaborate your speaking and the use of the computer to give the PowerPoint presentation. The best way of doing this is to practice your presentation on a colleague or friend. So with practice, you find that giving your presentation with a PowerPoint presentation increases your prowess as a good speaker. . If you can t do both these jobs together, it would be better to get someone to help you with the controlling of the computer, so that you can give a good speech using the PowerPoint slides. However, it is important that you test the equipment before the presentation, as sometimes the PowerPoint program may seem as though they are out to get you when it is spoilt; so prove that you are in charge, and not them by checking on the equipment before the speech!
Using a PowerPoint presentation gives you visual aids to be used while giving your speech. Visuals give a big picture quickly, and also graphics, pictures, and bar charts that you can used during your speech to enhance the meaning of your presentation. However, it is better to keep your PowerPoint slides simple with not much matter on it, as otherwise, it may seem that you are showing your audience your speaker notes! Using the PowerPoint as a teleprompter as this is one of the things that audiences hate. It is of no use having all your text on the slide, and then going on reading each slide to the audience. Use the PowerPoint slide just to help you along in the presentation by having only the main points for the presentation on the slides.
So it can be said that PowerPoint is no magical software that makes you a good speaker. It is just a tool that can help you in your presentation. It is actually you yourself who becomes a good speaker using your own speech techniques, with the help of a PowerPoint presentation!
About Author: Thomson Chemmanoor is an powerpoint expert offering powerpoint templates at his website listing please visit to know every thing about PowerPoint presentations.

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